
Week One Done!

Hello, Dear Readers~

In an effort to connect more with you all, I am making a valiant effort to post more on the journal and update you all on what I'm writing/thinking/feeling/living.

It's now Saturday afternoon in Seoul and I am happy that I'm meeting my writing goals. The hardest part of being a working writer is to schedule in time for doing what you love. Sometimes I will just sit there and stare at the screen with an eyebrow cocked while thinking, "What am I dooooooing?" But it's all apart of the process. The point is that you are making the effort to sit down. The intention is set and inspiration will come. 

One thing I enjoy doing is making a playlist before I start writing. It's always great to set the mood before you start working. Even as I write this, I have my headphones on with Agnes Obel's album "Aventine" playing. Two of my very good friends, Steve and Andy, have recently started sharing one new song (a weekish) that we've found to be pretty amazing and that we think the others may not have heard. Living in the land of K-Pop limits me a lot (and I do like K-Pop) but I simply don't have the access to music like I did when I was in college in Chicago. These days you have to work for things. In case you were wondering, my submission to Steve and Andy was a song called "To Build a Home" by The Cinematic Orchestra feat. Patrick Watson. The piano parts  just swell and feel so, well, for a lack of a better term "cinematic" and creates just such a beautiful song. The video is actually pretty sad, so if you find it on YouTube, make sure some tissues are nearby.

I hope your first week of 2018 has been productive and that you keep making, as Neil Gaiman says, "Good Art."

Love and light,