Hello my dear readers,
I hope you're all quite well. As many of you are well aware, I live in Seoul, Korea (in the Gangnam area to be exact--though less Oppa and more Style ^^) and while in the rest of the world tensions seem to be riding high, things here are business as usual.
If we were to engage in a personal conversation, I would certainly tell you how I feel about all things political, but as I am writing on my author site, I would sooner discuss the politics of Agria, the fictional setting in my fantasy novel.
You see, Agria was always in balance until a self-proclaimed Dragon King (I affectionally(?) call him DK) created a new area, The Shadow Realm, in the center of the land, throwing the whole land in turmoil. While it seems that one mere being would be no match for the four leaders of the Agrian Realms--i.e. Forest, Air, Water, and Fire, he seems to be gaining traction in his war against Agrians.
This is merely one of the subplots of the Legends of Agria book series. Want more? You can pick up the first installment of the series soon!
Love & Light,