Climbing and Climbing

Greetings friends~

Things have been quite busy on the formatting side of the novel and we are nearing completion and (finally!) publication of the first in the Agrian Legends series! Emotions I’m feeling? Excited—nervous—everything in between.

This is something I’ve been working at for so long that it almost doesn’t seem real. Perhaps it won’t feel real until I am holding a physical copy in my hands. Perhaps it will never feel real. And I’m rather at peace with that.

I’ve had a few days off from my academy so I’ve spent a good majority of that time dreaming up new plot lines and imagining my life as this—no “work,” just writing. I must say the idea both scares me and thrills me. Another writer friend of mine and I were talking once about the concept of knowing when we’ve “made it.” I revealed to him that I hope I never know that I’ve made it—I always want to keep going and not rest on my laurels. Though, it will be nice to be wearing laurels as I keep ascending. ^^

In the meantime, I should get back to the storyboard.

Love, light, and all that jazz~