The Road to Hell...

is paved with good intentions. Or so the saying goes. 

But here it is, May 21st, and I am only as far on writing as when I last wrote a journal post. So why? Why am I not doing the thing I so long to do?

To be fair, I’ve been researching, or rather, allowing information to wash over me to help me with my big magic. I listened to Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic and was inspired to rediscover my Why in writing. I realized I was stuck. I had one story in my head, but I had nothing else…and I was afraid to start writing again because I had nothing else. Because what happens when I am finished with the said project and have no other stories left inside me? I know that sounds so incorrect, but it was a fear—irrational, yes. But still a fear. 

Another reason for my lack of writing is that my sister visited for three weeks, and we traveled a bit within Korea. And while on a plane flying from Busan to Jeju Island, I was listening to music, and suddenly, a scene came into my brain…something else to write about. I wrote down my idea in my phone’s notes app, and boom. The irrational fear of not being able to be inspired to write something else was gone. The dragon was slain.

Now, this is not to say that I have started writing again, but I am on my way. I’ve left the front door and I’m sitting in the driver’s seat, about to put the key in the ignition. I just need to remember to open the garage door first.